According to the Strategic Implementation Plan for the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials, which synthesizes the policies regarding the mineral resources, the coherent development of this area is based on three major pillars:
a) Ensuring access to raw materials for all major players in the European economy;
b) Determining the conditions for a sustainable supply of raw materials;
c) Encouraging the efficient use of resources and promoting resource efficiency and recycling to reduce raw material consumption and dependence on imports outside the European area.
Taking into account the continued demand for mining products, at European level are encouraged the initiatives aiming a sustainable, smart and inclusive growth and innovation. Accordingly, the development of best practices and technologies for the collection and treatment of waste, and the improvement of access to waste statistics and material flows to support research and innovation are encouraged within UE. Thus, this project aims to create a national database on secondary reserves of mining waste materials so that Romania can participate in the activities of the European platform and benefit from its expertise. Mining residues are of interest due to their negative impact on the environment as evidenced by the formation of acid waters, heavy metals pollution (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg) and metalloids (As, Sb), mechanical instability phenomena, blocking of agricultural or built-up areas, modification of the landscape in areas with tourism potential. However, these residues have the potential for industrial capitalization as secondary mineral resources by recovering the useful basic elements for which the mines were opened (Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Mn, W, Mo) or elements that have recently gain interest from the industry (Ge, In, Te, Cd, Sb), the use of gangue elements (quartz, feldspar, clay minerals) or the use of mining residues to ameliorate the deficient solutions (eg in the case of some coal mines tailings).