Determining the methodology and coefficients specific to Romania in order to quantify GHG emissions and absorption in order to quantify climate change

Home Determining the methodology and coefficients specific to Romania in order to quantify GHG emissions and absorption in order to quantify climate change
As part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol (KP), Romania has the obligation to develop and operate a greenhouse gas reporting system.

The present project will give a significant weight to this sector. The emissions and absorption reports from the LULUCF sector were initially based strictly on the type of land use according to the UNFCCC and on the type of activity carried out on land in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol. The reporting rules established under the Kyoto Protocol treated the LULUCF sector differently from other sectors, excluding this sector from the calculation of the targets assumed by the signatories for which the LULUCF sector does not represent a source of emissions (Olesen et al, 2016).

The results of the researches carried out in the activities aimed at analyzing the current situation and forecasts regarding the GHG emission / absorption ratio specific to Romania, will support the National System for the reporting of policies and measures and for the forecasts reporting of emissions and retention of greenhouse gases ( SNPMPEGES), in order to ensure compliance with the provisions and obligations assumed by the relevant official documents, especially in view of the entry into force of the Paris Agreement.

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Phase I-2019

The main results obtained in this phase are:

  1. Report on current national and international regulations, based on which Romania has assumed the fulfillment of obligations regarding the accounting and reporting of GHG emissions and absorbtions
  2. Study on the identification of parameters for quantifying GHG emissions and absorbtions
  3. Methodology for quantifying GHG emissions and absorbtions at national level
  • Phase II/2020

The main results obtained in this phase are:

  1. Methodology for quantifying GHG emissions and absorbtions at national level
  2. Study on the current situation and forecast of GHG emissions and absorbtions based on the developed methodology
  • Phase III/2020 
  1. Methodology for quantifying GHG emissions and absorbtions at national level
  2. Study on the current situation and forecast of GHG emissions and absorbtions based on the developed methodology
  3. Strategy for the implementation of the actions provided under the Paris Agreement at national level, until 2030

O1. Comparative analysis of national and international regulations regarding the quantification of GHG emissions and removals.

O2. Elaboration of the methodology with the purpose of determining the value of the Romanian specific parameters in order to quantify the GHG emissions and absorptions for the LULUCF sector reports.

O3. Presentation and analysis of the current level and forecasts of GHG emissions and removals compared to the reference year.

O4. Develop a strategy to ensure the favorable premises for Romania to implement the Paris Agreement on climate change for 2030.

  • Report on the set of current national and international regulations, on the basis of which Romania has assumed and fulfills its obligations regarding the accounting and reporting of GHG emissions;
  • Study regarding the parameters identification for quantifying the GHG emissions and absorptions that will ensure a high level of confidence in estimating the impact of climate change;
  • Methodology for quantifying GHG emissions and removals at national level;
  • Study on the current situation and forecast of greenhouse gas emissions and absorption at national level, based on the methodology developed;
  • Strategy for the implementation of the actions envisaged under the Paris Agreement at national level, by 2030;
  • Scientific communications and ISI / BDI articles;
  • Report on the presentation and public debate of the resulting documents.